recettes de cuisine: Tasty 日式西京燒銀鱈魚 (Cod Fish in Japanese Teriyaki Style)

日式西京燒銀鱈魚 (Cod Fish in Japanese Teriyaki Style).

recettes 日式西京燒銀鱈魚 (Cod Fish in Japanese Teriyaki Style) recettes de cuisine - have 日式西京燒銀鱈魚 (Cod Fish in Japanese Teriyaki Style) using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of 日式西京燒銀鱈魚 (Cod Fish in Japanese Teriyaki Style)

  1. It's 300 g of x Cod Fish.
  2. You need of Some Mirin (味淋).
  3. Prepare of Seasoning Sauce.
  4. You need 3 Spoons of x Miso (日式味噌).
  5. Prepare 2 Spoons of x Sake (日式燒酒).
  6. Prepare 1 Spoon of x Brown Sugar.
  7. It's of Little Japanese Soy Sauce (日式豉油).

日式西京燒銀鱈魚 (Cod Fish in Japanese Teriyaki Style) instructions

  1. Wash Fish: Dry the Cod Fish with paper towel after it is washed/cleaned.
  2. Season the Fish: #1 Mix all the Seasoning Ingredients into a bowl and mix them up. #2 Paste the Seasoning Sauce all over the whole piece of Fish, ensuring the sauce covers all part of the fish. #3 Season it for 30 mins.
  3. Pan Fry the Fish: #1 With oil and medium heat, slowly pan fry the fish on one side until it gets brown (suggest to cover with lid while cooking to prevent the sauce from bouncing out). #2 Turn the fish to the other side and cook until it gets brown. #3 When both sides are brown, pour Mirin onto the fish and let the Fish absorbs the Mirin until Mirin gets dried out..
  4. Fish is cooked!.

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