recettes de cuisine: Perfect Braised Trotter with Sea Cucumbers 海参焖猪 手

Braised Trotter with Sea Cucumbers 海参焖猪手.

recettes Braised Trotter with Sea Cucumbers 海参焖猪手 recettes de cuisine have Braised Trotter with Sea Cucumbers 海参焖猪手 using 7 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Braised Trotter with Sea Cucumbers 海参焖猪手

  1. You need 1 pc of Trotter (chopped).
  2. You need 5 pcs of Sea Cucumbers.
  3. Prepare 5 cloves of Garlic.
  4. It's of Spring Onion.
  5. It's of Oyster Sauce.
  6. You need of Soy Sauce.
  7. Prepare of Sugar.

Braised Trotter with Sea Cucumbers 海参焖猪手 instructions

  1. Trotter chop into small pieces and soak into hot water for about 30 minutes..
  2. Fried garlic into hot wok, then add in water as well as all the ingredients... till the meat softens...then ready to be served. (Sea cucumbers only add in 30 minutes before serve).

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